Liberal power brokers keep premier from cooling market
I agree with NDP MLA and housing critic David Eby’s suggestion in Michael Smyth’s column that the real-estate moguls must have pulled some strings and our premier had to back off on pending policies to help cool the overheated real-estate market.
Christy Clark then reverted back to her typical pass-the-buck routine rather than show real leadership. She may have some good, honest intentions to make some positive changes, but this is not a reality with the current political system in place.
With the way political parties are funded in B.C., especially the Liberals, the price to stay in power reduces any premier to nothing more than photo-op figurehead beholden to the power brokers in the province.
David Hoffard, New Westminster
Clark has more to get right
Premier Christy Clark recently supported an opposition member’s bill to toughen laws on sexual harassment and violence. She did this because “it was the right thing to do.”
However, it is also the “right thing to do” to rein in political contributions from corporations and unions in the interests of … let’s call it “not-bribery.” We need to end $10,000-a-plate meet-the-premier dinners and the spending of millions of our tax dollars on partisan ads to tell voters that “Your Time, Dear Suckers, Is Now.”
Her response to calls for her to “do the right thing” has been, and I’m paraphrasing here, “what’s in it for me?” Politically speaking, of course.
Her cynicism, naked ambition and win-at-all-costs politicking make it difficult to swallow her sanctimony over violence against women.
Perry Kilby, White Rock
Watson volunteered to serve
Regarding Rodney Watson’s desire to stay in Canada and not return to to his duties with the U.S. military, do we really want people like him in Canada?
Watson volunteered to join the army and swore to God that he would support and defend the U.S. Constitution and obey the orders of his officers. Now he is hiding in Canada to avoid doing what he promised.
He volunteered to join the army. What did he expect? A posting to Hawaii to guard a beach?
His suggestion that we are not honouring Muhammad Ali’s legacy by denying him the right to stay in Canada is bogus. Ali was drafted; Watson volunteered.
Watson should return to the U.S. and deal with the issues he has created. After he has done that, he can apply to return to Canada.
Brent Tipple, Beasley
Seen VISA interest lately?
If anyone is complaining that interest rates are too high with payday loans, they should take a look at the Royal Bank VISA.
Its interest also border on excessive.
Brian Barnes, Steveston
Do the crime, do the time
Raji Mangat says harsh prison sentences are harder on women than men. But men also may go away to a prison far from home, away from friends, relatives and children.
It almost sounds like Mangat would like women to only rehabilitated and not punished. This is reverse discrimination.
We all make choices. Should I steal and do drugs, go to jail and not see my children, and have everyone feels sorry for me? Or should I seek help and straighten myself out?
The justice system is designed to mete out justice and act as a deterrent. Do the crime, serve the time. If a criminal has a mental condition, it should be treated but regular bad girls, especially repeat offenders, should serve the time in prison they deserve.
Tom Duncan, Chilliwack
The editorial pages editor is Gordon Clark, who can be reached at Letters to the editor can be sent to
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